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What happens when the Dad next door meets Julia Child

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A Blanc Stare

These little white onions may be petite but Petits Oignons a la Creme (Creamed Onions) sure to pack a lot of flavor inside of them. This...

Choux de Bruxelles again? Yep!

I dare you, actually I double-dog dare you, to take a look at that photo and tell me that you can't wait to eat some brussel sprouts! ...

A nativity side dish?

Heading into the Christmas season I thought I'd come across a "Nativity" recipe and then realized it said "Navets Persilles" (Parslied...

Tomatoes - stuffing isn’t just for turkey!

Somehow calling a dish "Tomatoes Stuffed with Bread Crumbs, Herbs, and Garlic" just doesn't sound anywhere near as tasty as calling it...

Less Smoke, More Flavor

After feeling somewhat defeated with my smokey experience making Sauce Creme for my cauliflower the other night, I decided to make a...

The Cream of the Crop

We love cauliflower and I was looking for a simple recipe so I could prepare it together with a potato side dish and chicken main dish --...

Squirrel brains?

Can't get your kids to eat cauliflower? I bet you've never served it to them this way! Besides, don't tell them they are eating...

Brussel Sprouts - I got creamed!

All I can say is, "Wow!" These weren't what I expected!! Super quick and easy to prepare and they tasted fantastic. Not what I...

Spinach Philosophy 101

Remember waaaaaaaaay back when I started writing these posts? One of the things I explained was that I'm not a professional photographer....

Canopies are more than a shade structure.

First, the photo doesn't do this dish justice - it is now my favorite way to eat spinach! Second, I have no idea how to pronounce the...

You should have bean there!

tHaricots Verts a la Creme -- most normal people would translate this name to be Creamed Green Beans but in our family this was...

With food like this, who needs glasses?

As I'm working through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" I've tended to not prepare the basic "master recipe" for different types of...

Vichy who?

I have no idea what "Vichyssoise" really means in French (remember my rule, I don't look things up on Google) but it certainly sounds...

Popeye's Snack

It's been a busy week and I haven't had much chance to cook (but we did enjoy some Chinese takeout during the week -- definitely wasn't...

Is cream a vegetable?

Creamed carrots! One of my new favorite foods! These are a slightly simpler version of the previous Carotes a la Concierge with the...

Frozen peas and fine dining?

I just had to try this one because it was in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." If Julia put it in the book it must be pretty...

The pot is leeking!

This Potage Parmentier was actually the first course of a complete dinner that I prepared, but I've decided to write about each piece...

It's all Greek to me!

What to make when I have a bowl full of sweet green and red peppers and I've already used some previously to make ratatouille? Lucky for...

What's Up Doc?

These glazed carrots were actually made as the vegetable side dish to accompany the Boeuf Bourguignon and were quite tasty and easy to...

Carrots fit for a hotel lobby!

I thought a concierge was that guy who gives great recommendations and advice down in the hotel lobby? "Carrotes A La Concierge"...

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