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The Culinator (aka Jim)

Christmas 2019 - A Season For Enablers

"Merry Christmas, Grandma! We came in our Plymouth." - By Norman Rockwell

This post isn't exactly about food, but then again it is all about food. First of all, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you and your families are having a wonderful Christmas and enjoying being with, talking to, or thinking of family members past, present, and future. Whatever your faith and traditions may be, I hope that they include wonderful memories of being together with family and friends.

For our family, the Christmas season can get a bit hectic since we have a family business that includes three mail and parcel centers. Shipping boxes and letters, packing boxes, receiving parcels and letters -- it does get a bit hectic with some long and tiring days. As we approach Christmas, however, the dust starts to settle a bit and we are able to begin thinking about, and feeling, the real meaning of Christmas. In our business and our daily lives we love interacting with family, friends, customers, and strangers and watching for the little (and sometimes large) acts of kindness and charity that we see people extend to one another. Personally, I feel what we experience during this season is the spirit of Christ's love coming a little closer to the surface in many peoples lives. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could keep that same spirit throughout the year and extend these kind gestures year round?

Food seems to play a key part in our family get togethers, how about yours? For us, this year's festivities truly began late in the afternoon when we gathered together for Christmas eve dinner with my mother-in-law, one of our daughter's with her husband and daughters, and my two sous chefs (Elizabeth and Kathryn who happen to be my wife and daughter, respectively). Our son-in-law grilled some wonderful steaks (yep, the weather had warmed to 50 degrees and clear skies!) while I made creamed onions (read about that in a separate post later), and we added a tossed salad. We finished the evening snacking on some fresh baked "elf" cookies made by our son and his sweetie while we watched a movie together.

Today, Christmas day, found some stockings left by "you-know-who" being discovered by four granddaughters, two daughters and their spouses, a son and his sweetie, a mother-in-law, and my resident sous chefs. Of course, that was followed by breakfast. Pretty non-traditional but delicious -- I made "Migas" for everyone and we had home-made cinnamon rolls made by Peter (he does more than grill steaks and bake pies). Snacks, hot chocolate, goodies will fill the day and then our dinner will be later this evening.

Of course, there were a few gifts exchanged today and during the week and I must say I am surrounded by enablers. I do get teased a bit by family and friends for my new found passion for cooking...but they do nothing to stop it! They actually eat, and seem to enjoy, my food. On top of that, I've received several realllllly cool cooking things I need to do more of the recipes. Added to the collection this season have been:

- A microplane/zester.

- A trussing needle.

- Poaching cups.

- Wooden spoons.

- A cast iron skillet.

- A metal casserole I can use on the stove and in the oven!

- Souffle dishes/ramikins (I'm not even sure what the're called but I get to make souffle's!!

For those of you who contribute to and enable my new hobby -- thank you.

For those of you who are willing to sample and eat my food -- thank you.

For those of you who read, and sometimes like and comment, on these posts -- thank you.

For all of you -- I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Bon Appetit!

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Dec 30, 2019

As I finally slow down to read this post. Merry Christmas to all. It is only five days since Christmas and he has used every one of his new "toys" in the last four days. Crazy man, but I love him.


Rachel Whitlock
Dec 29, 2019

Yay for enabling! I personally enjoy the outcomes 😊

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