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The Culinator (aka Jim)

The other white meat.

Tuscan Seasoned Pork Tenderloin Medallions - a la Costco

This wasn't even close to being a recipe from Julia's book but I'm sure she'd forgive a beginner such as I. Since a photo of it was included in the complete meal photo from earlier in the week I thought it only fair that I give credit to what it was and the extensive preparation I did to make it turn out so well.

On the way home from work I was trying to think of what I could have as the main entree for the dinner since I had the veggies and soup worked out. As I drove along I noticed one of my favorite local specialty food suppliers -- Costco! (I really crack me up sometimes.) I knew that they had the perfect ready to grill item in the meat department: Tuscan Seasoned Pork Medallions. They aren't French, they aren't in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," and Julia probably never set foot in a Costco. Get over it. This is my quest and I make the rules!

If you've never had these things they really are awesome! Ready to pop on the grill for 15 minutes or so, tender, and realllllllly tasty. To top that off, I didn't need to use a single pan to prepare them! So there you have it, my true confession.

On a side note: You can tell from the photo that this wasn't a meal enjoyed by any of our little grandchildren. What gives it away is that we have actual glasses on the table and not plastic cups. When we were first married we had a nice set of glasses. The more children we had joining our family the quicker those glasses began getting broken and disposed of. For the past 30 years or so we've become accustomed to using only plastic cups in our house. A few years ago, those same wonderful children were apparently overcome with guilt and remorse for the damage they'd done over the years and gave Elizabeth and I a lovely set of glasses which we now use on special occasions (usually with no little guys running around). Of course, the chocolate milk was the perfect pairing to go with this meal!

Bon Appetit!

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