"Soupe De Poisson" is a dish you'll be ordering at a fancy French restaurant. As a matter of fact, that tasty looking photo isn't anything I made, I borrowed it from the internet. That's because there isn't much of a chance you'll find me making it for you! Why is that? Easy -- let's review the main ingredients: "3 to 4 lbs of lean fish (that's not so bad), fish heads, bones, and trimmings, shellfish remains..."
Really? Sadly, when I went to the fish section of the grocery store I just couldn't find any packages of fish heads, bones, trimmings, or shellfish remains. What is this country coming to? Please do me a favor, if you know of a local shop selling those ingredients -- DO NOT TELL ME WHERE IT IS!!!
The rest of the soup's ingredients sound pretty normal -- leek, onions, olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, parsley, bay leaf, thyme, fennel, saffron, orange peel, salt and pepper that are cooked together and then has some pasta stirred in. All of that is poured onto slices of French bread and topped with Parmesan cheese. Hmmmmm, maybe I'll try that some day without all of the fish guts. Perhaps I could be daring and use a can of tuna?
Lest I scare you away from this completely -- "Soupe De Poisson" is translated as "Strained Fish Soup" and after all of the ingredients are boiled for about 40 minutes everything is pressed and strained to get the juices out of the solid goodies. Mmmmm mmmmm good. Sorry, squeezing boiled fish heads, bones, trimmings, and shellfish remains isn't something that's an image I want burned into my memory. Oh, did I scare you away? You can always think back to the photo -- it looks pretty good.
Isn't it interesting that this is called "Soupe De Poisson?" Seems like a name that includes a misspelling of the word "poison" could be a warning. Just saying.
Do me a favor -- If you go to a French restaurant, go ahead and try the Soupe De Poisson and be sure to add a comment here telling me what it was like. I still won't be cooking it, but I'd like to know if you survive.
Bon Appetit?